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China reprimands Vietnam over offshore oil exploration

BEIJING, May 28 (Reuters) - China criticised Vietnam onSaturday for its offshore exploration of oil and gas in thecontested South China Sea after Hanoi complained that threeChinese patrol boats had challenged ...

Source: China reprimands Vietnam over offshore oil exploration

Investors look wistfully at Turkmen gas

When news emerged five years ago that Turkmenistan had discovered one of the world's largest natural gas fields, international investors sniffed an opportunity. But despite exhaustive efforts and flattery heaped on the former Soviet nation's authoritarian leader, global energy companies look no closer to getting a piece of it.

Source: Investors look wistfully at Turkmen gas

Americas market wrap

Latin American markets rose on Friday, capping a week of rises throughout the region, as commodity prices rose, with oil reclaiming $100 a barrel level, lifting the energy and materials stocks. The MSCI Latin American index rose 1.3 per cent to 4,445, gaining 3 per cent over the week and reaching its highest level since May 10. Brazil’s...

Source: Americas market wrap

Crises can happen to those who least deserve them

Just as it was once assumed that capital controls were all bad, so it was also said that crises happened to those countries that somehow deserved them. It is a measure of how much has changed that these days the International Monetary Fund is now paying much more attention to helping the best-performing emerging economies …Continue reading:...

Source: Crises can happen to those who least deserve them

Monetary Policy Week in Review - 28 May 2011 - Central Bank News

The past week in monetary policy saw six emerging market central banks announce interest rate decisions. Those that altered interest rate levels were: Israel +25bps to 3.25%, and Nigeria +50bps to 8.00%.  Meanwhile those that held interest rates unchanged were: Pakistan 14.00%, Turkey 6.25%, Georgia 8.00%, and Mexico 4.50%.

Source: Monetary Policy Week in Review - 28 May 2011 - Central Bank News

Futures Movers: Crude extends gain above $100 in Asia hours

U.S. crude-oil futures rose in Asian trading hours as the dollar weakness against major currencies spurred a consolidation above the psychological $100-a-barrel level.

Source: Futures Movers: Crude extends gain above $100 in Asia hours

Water: Opportunities Exist With Forgotten Commodity

Source: Water: Opportunities Exist With Forgotten Commodity

Grain futures rise, livestock prices mostly down

Source: Grain futures rise, livestock prices mostly down

Georgia Central Bank Holds Refinancing Rate at 8.00% - Central Bank News

The National Bank of Georgia held its benchmark refinancing interest rate unchanged at 8.00% and made no other changes to monetary policy.

Source: Georgia Central Bank Holds Refinancing Rate at 8.00% - Central Bank News

Fredriksen calls U.S. charges on oil prices "rubbish": report

Shipping magnate John Fredriksen said U.S. regulator lawsuits against two of his trading firms for suspected oil price manipulation in 2008 were "rubbish," a Norwegian newspaper reported on Thursday.

Source: Fredriksen calls U.S. charges on oil prices "rubbish": report

Summary Box: Soggy weather benefits corn prices

SOGGY GAINS: Corn prices rose as soggy weather continued to plague farmers trying to plant crops in key growing states. The situation is more of a concern this year because of hopes that the crop will be bountiful enough to help ease a global supply shortage.

Source: Summary Box: Soggy weather benefits corn prices

Central Bank of Turkey Holds 1-week Repo Rate at 6.25% - Central Bank News

The Monetary Policy Committee of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey maintained the 1-week repo rate unchanged at 6.25%.

Source: Central Bank of Turkey Holds 1-week Repo Rate at 6.25% - Central Bank News

Bandscheibenvorfall LWS

Merkmale des Bandscheibenvorfalls sind sehr starke, in vielen Fällen in Arme und Beine fortgeführte Schmerzen, Taubheit und möglicherweise Lähmungserscheinungen. Bei einem Bandscheibenproblem - medizinisch exakt auch Bandscheibenprolaps - treten Teile der Bandscheibe in den Wirbelkanal vor. Der Grund hierfür ist meistens eine Überlastung (falschesAufheben), falls bereits vorher eine Beschädigung der Bandscheibe vorhanden war.

Source: Bandscheibenvorfall LWS

Central Bank of Nigeria Raises Rate 50bps to 8.00% - Central Bank News

The Central Bank of Nigeria increased its monetary policy interest rate by 50 basis points to 8.00% from 7.50% previously.

Source: Central Bank of Nigeria Raises Rate 50bps to 8.00% - Central Bank News

[$$] A Quick, Natural Gas Play

Today's dip offers a good opportunity to cash in on the estimated natural gas demand using FCG.

Source: [$$] A Quick, Natural Gas Play

Bank of Israel Lifts Interest Rate 25bps to 3.25% - Central Bank News

The Bank of Israel increased its benchmark interest rate by 25 basis points to 3.25% from 3.00% previously.

Source: Bank of Israel Lifts Interest Rate 25bps to 3.25% - Central Bank News

Venezuela: mad about driving

Many jaded Venezuelans scoff these days when they hear people talking about Hugo Chavez?s Bolivarian ?revolution?. But this week something truly revolutionary happened. A man was fined and had his driving license suspended for a year after he was caught speeding in an overcrowded bus that was missing one of its six wheels. It?s the...

Source: Venezuela: mad about driving

Week ahead: May 23 ? May 27

Egypt will be in focus this week as the detention period of former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak comes to an end on Friday. But will he walk free? Mubarak is currently in a hospital in the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, where he is being held. His detention was supposed to have ended on …Continue reading: "Week ahead: May 23 –...

Source: Week ahead: May 23 ? May 27

US Dollar Posts Weekly Losses as Economy Looks Bad

The US dollar ended week lower against most major currencies as the US economic data was negative for the whole week. The minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee monetary meeting further weakened the dollar as they showed that the Federal R...

Source: US Dollar Posts Weekly Losses as Economy Looks Bad

Harrods cashes in on Chinese terminals

Chinese tourists with money to spend don’t need an excuse to buy luxury goods, but they do need the plastic to facilitate their purchases. That’s why it wasn’t until Harrod’s installed special Chinese credit card readers in its stores earlier this year that the store could boast it had sold two bottles of £25,000 wine,...

Source: Harrods cashes in on Chinese terminals

It is business as usual at Vale

Move along, nothing to see here! Murilo Ferreira, the new chief executive of Brazilian mining giant Vale, held his first press conference earlier on Friday – an hour-long session in which he said, well, very little. ?There is nothing new here,? the 57-year old finally told his baffled audience about 40 minutes in. The point …Continue...

Source: It is business as usual at Vale

NYMEX-Crude up as June expires, closes week off a bit

* Short-covering on news of al Qaeda plot lifts prices * Dollar gains versus euro on negative Greece news * Coming up: API stocks data, 4:30 p.m. EDT, Tuesday NEW YORK, May 20 (Reuters) - U.S. crude futures ...

Source: NYMEX-Crude up as June expires, closes week off a bit

Metals Stocks: Gold futures advance in ?tug-of-war? market

Gold and silver futures edged higher in electronic trading during Asian trading hours Friday, with both metals turning positive for the week, while analysts see a 'tug-of-war' occurring in the market.

Source: Metals Stocks: Gold futures advance in ?tug-of-war? market

METALS-Copper ends down after U.S. data, trade cautious

* Copper falls under weight of economic concerns * Trade still cautious after early May correction * LME aluminium back away from record high (Recasts, adds New York dateline/byline, updates with New York ...

Source: METALS-Copper ends down after U.S. data, trade cautious

Metals Stocks: Gold, silver futures extend gains

Gold and silver futures gain in electronic trading hours on Thursday, extending gains made in regular New York trading in the previous session.

Source: Metals Stocks: Gold, silver futures extend gains

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