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Aeron News => Forex Market: News/ Trend/ Technical Analysis => Topic started by: Hemant on March 17, 2011, 05:17:45 am

Title: Oil Forecast: Climb Further on Libya's Deteriorating Crisis
Post by: Hemant on March 17, 2011, 05:17:45 am
Oil Forecast: Climb Further on Libya's Deteriorating Crisis

Several banks and economists are forecasting the oil to traded even further high, as the situation in Libya seems far from being solved, adding pressure to energy markets globally. As the international community fails to bring a solution for the Qaddafi verus rebels civil war in Libya, the oil is likely to see its rates climbing even further, according to the general opinion among traders and economists, as no evident solution seem clear and available to end the conflict in the country ruled by a dictatorship for the past decades.
Source: Oil Forecast: Climb Further on Libya's Deteriorating Crisis (