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Topics - ferry

Pages: [1]
Strategy Testing / BackTest results on TadawulFx
« on: April 07, 2010, 11:34:46 am »
I back tested EA with different settings from 1, January, 2010 till 7, April, 2010.

I took TakeProfit=14 & rest settings not changed.
Initial deposit: 2000
result was:
Total net profit: 1482.34
Maximul drawdown 34%


while took TakeProfit=21
Initial deposit: 2000
result was:
Total net profit: 2280.89
Maximul drawdown 48%

Has anyone any idea about that? what do you think? which setting is better?

MetaTrader4 / LiveUpdate of TadawulFx terminal
« on: April 07, 2010, 11:06:20 am »
There is an update wizard opened when I started my TadawulFx terminal.
It displays:
Current version: 4.00 build 225
New version: 4.00 build 226

Should I run it to download update?
Would the EA work prperly after downloading the updates?
thanks, ferry

MetaTrader4 / MT5
« on: March 14, 2010, 10:42:30 am »
I am new to forex field. During forex broker surfing, on some broker sites I noticed MT5 and MT4. i have been registerd for a demo account on alpari uk and downloaded MT4 s/w. but what about MT5? Is anyone using the MT5?

Demo Account / How can i open a demo a/c
« on: March 13, 2010, 01:29:39 pm »
I want to trade forex. But don'e know - how to open a demo a/c. Help please.

Pages: [1]

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