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 on: October 03, 2011, 03:32:10 am 
Started by Nijator - Last post by Nijator

 on: August 14, 2011, 03:02:19 pm 
Started by jauregui - Last post by jauregui
Hello there everyone. I am truly happy being part of this great community.             
Take care ....

 on: July 07, 2011, 10:22:46 am 
Started by robort - Last post by martinez
aeron is great as he said

 on: June 17, 2011, 05:05:59 pm 
Started by Hemant - Last post by Hemant
Grain futures slide, livestock prices mixed

Source: Grain futures slide, livestock prices mixed

 on: June 17, 2011, 05:07:39 am 
Started by Hemant - Last post by Hemant
Senate vote hits US ethanol industry

The US ethanol industry will seek a subsidy safety net linked to oil prices after the Senate voted heavily to scrap two of the principal supports for the corn-based biofuel, suggesting the subsidies will finish by the end of the year.

Source: Senate vote hits US ethanol industry

 on: June 16, 2011, 05:11:05 pm 
Started by Hemant - Last post by Hemant
Senate votes to end ethanol subsidies

The Senate vote to kill two tax breaks for the ethanol industry, with more than half of the chamber's Republicans joining Democrats to approve the measure.

Source: Senate votes to end ethanol subsidies

 on: June 16, 2011, 05:12:34 am 
Started by Hemant - Last post by Hemant
Metals Stocks: Gold futures tick higher amid Greek woes

Gold futures tick higher as investors favor the previous metal amid escalating concerns about European sovereign-debt issues.

Source: Metals Stocks: Gold futures tick higher amid Greek woes

 on: June 15, 2011, 11:08:24 pm 
Started by Hemant - Last post by Hemant
Mexico: China keeps its distance

Jack Liu had plenty of time on his hands  last weekend as he sat at his stand in the  Mexican Oil Congress. ?This is the third year our company has taken a stand at the [oil] congress,  but we?ve never raised any business,? said Liu, a manager at Beijing-based LandOcean Energy Services, a high-tech data …Continue reading: "Mexico: China...

Source: Mexico: China keeps its distance

 on: June 15, 2011, 05:02:58 pm 
Started by Hemant - Last post by Hemant
Polish inflation: increasingly political

Poland avoided the worst of the global economic crisis. But, with figures published on Thursday showing May’s inflation rising to an annual rate of 5 per cent, is the country now at risk of over-heating? Possibly, says the central bank, which has raised interest rates four times this year. Definitely not, says the government. In...

Source: Polish inflation: increasingly political

 on: June 15, 2011, 11:01:25 am 
Started by Hemant - Last post by Hemant
London headlines

* China warns over South China Sea dispute * Singh aide urges India to end energy subsidies * Brazil to rein in lending by BNDES * IMF warns Russia of reform or recession * Chevron bets on power from $30bn volcanoes in Indonesian rainforest * ENRC ?Soviet-style? control accusation denied * PCCW set to build UK broadband network * China...

Source: London headlines

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