First of all, we don't recommend the back-testing for Aeron EA. Because Aeron EA works only on 1-minute time frame and on 1-minute time frame backtesting gives only 25% modeling quality, which is too low. So you can't rely on 25% modeling quality back-test result.
However we are explaining the process of back-test, as it may help traders to understand it's [Aeron EA] working.
BacktestingBefore backtesting, it's important to make sure that your
history data is complete and accurate.
Open from menu: Tools > Options > Charts

In the above screen, set "Max bars in history" 99999999999 and "Max bars in chart" 99999999999
Now hit OK
Open the History Center from the Tools menu or by pressing F2 on your keyboard. Double click the chart pair in the left column that you plan to backtest for. A list of time periods will appear below. Start by double clicking on 1 Minute (M1) to load the history data for that period. The backtester uses M1 data to generate ticks, so it is important that your M1 data is complete.

Click the Download button to download the full history data for that pair and period. You may receive a Download Warning message - hit OK to continue. The history center will commence downloading.
Now from the View menu open Strategy Tester

In the above screen:
- you may chose your EA which you want to back-test
- date range for back-test
- Currency pair and period
- Click on ExpertProperties to set the EA's parameters, like Activation Key, TP, SL, TrailSL, etc......
Now hit the Start button. It may take few seconds or few minutes to complete. After completion you will get the various tabs aside "settings", "journal"on the above screen.