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Messages - rustam

Pages: [1]
brokers / Aeron EA on TadawulFX ???
« on: March 25, 2010, 11:53:42 am »

Anyone using ea on TadawulFx?
What is the performance of ea on this broker?

thanks in advance.

EA Performance & it's mechanism / Re: Can it wipe my account?
« on: March 25, 2010, 11:46:15 am »
Hello Dear,
Do you think your all trades will hit the stoploss one by one?
You said if 14 lots hits the stoploss obviously if it hits the sl it means all previous small trades already hit the sl.

:o I am afraid is it possible? I don't think so.

guys, are you out of your mind, a 600pip stoploss will save you?  are you aware of how much dollars that is?  Thats 6000 dollars on 1 lot.  600 dollars on .10  what happens if its on the 2nd or 3rd lot?  Account goes bye bye.  I am demoing now on a 100K account,  it did a profitable trade on 14 lots this morning.  If it hit stoploss on that 14 lot order, the account would have gone bye bye.  first lot is set at 2 lots as recommended for 100K account.

What is Martingale technique / Re: Martingale method
« on: March 09, 2010, 11:52:11 pm »
Just a question that the system described here is not following by Aeron EA.
Am I right or wrong? because aeron ea uses SL while according to this explanation there should be no SL.

Learn Forex / how to partially close open positions?
« on: March 09, 2010, 11:42:59 pm »

I have open position of lots size 1.0
I want to close only 0.35 in it,
how can I do this?
using MT4.

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