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Messages - robl45

Pages: [1]
Frequently asked questions / Re: why no backtesting before 1999
« on: April 19, 2010, 05:43:45 am »
sorry, subject should say before 2009.  I understand its optimized for 2009 forward, but we should be able to backtest for any time we want.  otherwise how will we know if it wipes out the account?

Frequently asked questions / why no backtesting before 2009
« on: April 16, 2010, 05:46:45 am »
as the subject says, why can't you backtest before 2009?

Frequently asked questions / Re: increasing lots
« on: March 25, 2010, 10:43:16 am »
are you seeing profit?  I had it set at lotsize 1 on the demo and just increased to 2 yesterday becaue i've seen like almost no profit.  i don't mind small profit of 30-40% a year, but if its 1% a month, thats a lot of risk.

Frequently asked questions / Re: increasing lots
« on: March 25, 2010, 09:48:47 am »
so basically i should keep it at 1 lot then?  but again, what happens if it hits a stoploss, you keep mentioned about take profits.  it can still hit the stoploss can it not?

Frequently asked questions / Re: increasing lots
« on: March 25, 2010, 09:18:32 am »
but i did it according to the post that said how to set lot size.  it said .02 lot size for 1000K account, so would it be 100X.02 or lot size of 2 for 100K account?

thats ok,
but I still I would not say to go more than First_Lots_Size=1
because First_Lots_Size=1.0 means
second will be of 3,
third will be of 7
& fourth will be of 19 lots size

and these are quite big to realize loss or profit

I am using fxcm 100K demo account.

Frequently asked questions / Re: increasing lots
« on: March 25, 2010, 09:17:33 am »
you mention TP, but what if it opens and just goes straight up if a short or down if a long, it will hit stoploss will it not?

EA Performance & it's mechanism / Re: Can it wipe my account?
« on: March 25, 2010, 07:33:59 am »
guys, are you out of your mind, a 600pip stoploss will save you?  are you aware of how much dollars that is?  Thats 6000 dollars on 1 lot.  600 dollars on .10  what happens if its on the 2nd or 3rd lot?  Account goes bye bye.  I am demoing now on a 100K account,  it did a profitable trade on 14 lots this morning.  If it hit stoploss on that 14 lot order, the account would have gone bye bye.  first lot is set at 2 lots as recommended for 100K account.

Frequently asked questions / increasing lots
« on: March 25, 2010, 06:20:13 am »
I believe I read somewhere that the new versions of aeron are limited in how much they will keep increasing the lot sizes?  I have my demo on start lot 2 and it went up to a size of 14 last night, is that the top size it will go to or will it go higher, if it hits a stop loss at 14, it would kill the account.

Aeron EA settings / what lot size for 100K demo account?
« on: March 18, 2010, 06:20:12 am »
i'm demoing this on a couple of 100K demo accounts and its opening lot size of 1.  on one broker its made like 3K, aother broker its made like 1K since beginning of month.  i'm thinking lot size should be bigger on open?

Pages: [1]

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