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Messages - aeron

Pages: [1] 2 3
brokers / Re: what about gallant?
« on: June 22, 2010, 10:16:11 pm »
Hello Robort
Aeron is good with Gallant, you can go on.

Happy trading.

I have my account with GallantFx.
I want to purchase ea for this account.

Is aeron works well on this broker, please help!


results of EA / Re: its working
« on: June 08, 2010, 10:49:15 am »
Dear jlcgarcia,
Aeron EA uses signal based trading. Aeron EA uses indicators to take buy/sell decisions.
It uses 1-minute time-frame to analyse the trend.
With the help of news/events & long term trend you can say that these days it shouldn't go for long, but it is hard to decide for a scalper robot who uses 1-minute time-frame.

As per the experiences, profitable trades are much higher then losing trades.

We continuous work on Aeron EA to enhance it & release the new version at no extra cost to our members.

Good evening:

I gave been watching the performance of this robot in the forward testing that you have in your webpage. And although I think is very honest from you to show the forward test, I think the results of the new robot are poor at the moment. Could you clarify that?

Perhaps the robot need and indicator that stops from taking long positions in the Euro at the moment. Dont you agree?

Frequently asked questions / Re: change of real/Live account
« on: June 02, 2010, 03:21:51 am »
Regarding this please send us an email at forexautotrader@aeroninfo.com
Also please mention the email id which you have used during purchase.
We will reset the activation key.

thanks for the quick reply
As i am running on small 1000+ with IBFX running good
I also have a Alpari account on demo running very good indeed
I also have a live account with Alpari requiring refunding I am thinking I would like to run on this account after the funds are placed
Your comments please

Frequently asked questions / Re: change of real/Live account
« on: June 01, 2010, 11:44:25 am »
If you are going to close the current broker's account, then simply forward the confirmation eMail for account closing to us, and we will reset your Activation key, so that you can generate another key for your real account.

We need this confirmation email as one purchase of Aeron EA is associated with only one working real account.

However in any case you are facing problems in using EA on current broker's account, still don't want to close it, then in some exceptional cases we can reset the Activation Key without any closing confirmation email, but we hope you would respect our policies.

Regarding this, please contact us at forexautotrader@aeroninfo.com

If I need to change a real/live account what do I have to do.

Demo Account / Re: Quick Question
« on: May 11, 2010, 09:56:04 am »
It is true, you can test it for free on demo accounts.

in case of "Invalid Username & password" please be assure that
- you are trying to login in free member's area (located in the right portion of login page) & click on appropriate login button.
- check your keyboard caps key

If there is everything ok at your side, then please send and email to forexautotrader@aeroninfo.com with your login id (your registered email id)

i registered to try the robot on a demo account but when i try to
log in to download the bot it doesn't work ? say's invalied user name or
password any help? I read this in one of my newsletters is it true "you can download and test it for free on a demo account"

Aeron EA settings / Re: Lot settings for IamFX
« on: May 10, 2010, 10:46:39 pm »
If this is the only one trade of 0.10 lots size in your account by Aeron EA, then settings (First_Lots_Size=0.02) are not saved in ea settings.
But if there are already 1 or more positions opened by Aeron EA in the same direction by Aeron EA, then this may be correct, because Aeron EA increases the lots size as per the Lots_Increment_Factor in contiguous buy or sell positions.

To know about the working of Lots_Increment_Factor please visit http://www.aeroninfo.com/man-param.aspx

I'm using IamFX with a minimum lot size of 0.01 and have set the lot size on the Aeron EA to 0.02. However,
the trades are opened with a lot size of 0.1. How can I get the EA to change to the desired lot  size?

Frequently asked questions / Re: why no backtesting before 1999
« on: April 17, 2010, 07:52:42 pm »
Aeron EA is optimized for January 2009 onwards, back testing is not possible before that.

How does the backtests with the latest settings look from 2000 up to now?  Any account wipes?  Is there someone who tried it?

One purchase gives the right to use EA only on One real account.

It doesn't matter that, whether it is monthly or lifetime.

Frequently asked questions / Re: Monitoring of A/c
« on: April 07, 2010, 01:45:16 am »
Aeron EA is fully automatic, you don't need to monitor regularly your account.

Aeron EA settings / Re: EA settings change..........
« on: April 05, 2010, 04:09:51 am »
If you are going to change the lots size when it is still in few open trades, then take care the following:
  • If you are increasing the lots size (say from 0.02 to 0.04) then there is no problem with already opened positions
  • If you are decreasing the lots size (say from 0.04 to 0.02) then you first should close the opened trades otherwise these opened positions may result some unwanted loss.

Just now I bought life membership. EA is attached with one real money a/c for $15800. Now I am going to deposit $15000 more in the same a/c. There is one sell position opened. I want to increase the First_Lots_Size value. Can I change the First_Lots_Size right now or have to wait for closing the opened SELL position?

Strategy Testing / Re: Please Activate Your Copy .....
« on: April 05, 2010, 03:58:10 am »
To do backtest you have to input the activation key in the Expert Properties of Strategy Tester.
For this, Click on the Expert Properties button in the Strategy Tester window, then you will get ea settings, put the Activation key,
See the follwing snap:

It should resolve your problem,

Just now I made a payment of $149 for one month subscription of EA. I got my copy. Now I want to perform Back Test with SIG, Prime4x, TadawulFx, Gallant etc. I started with SIG. But I am unable to Back Test as the 'Journal' Tab is showing "Please Activate Your Copy".
What to do now?

brokers / Re: Alpari US for Aeron EA
« on: March 29, 2010, 12:57:45 pm »

As the information available on https://my.alpari.co.uk/en/openliveaccount/
so its seems not possible.

There are so many other good choices for Aeron EA, like:
SIG (liteforex.org)

and so many other ...

free margin reqiurement for EA / Re: $15000 with Alpari US
« on: March 29, 2010, 12:43:45 pm »
Hello fransis
I replied your another post regarding the Aplari-US
visit http://aeroninfo.com/forum/index.php?topic=546.msg854#msg854

I have $15000 in my account with Alpari US. I think this amount is enough to trade with EA.
Is there any suggetion for me?

brokers / Re: Alpari US for Aeron EA
« on: March 29, 2010, 12:31:21 pm »
Hello fransis

For good return from Aeron EA, your broker:

-  Should provide Hedging
-  Should not be restricted with FIFO

Alpari-US doesn't provide hedging, so results wouldn't not be good as per the expectations from this EA.

Frequently asked questions / Re: Currency pair GBPUSD
« on: March 29, 2010, 12:27:35 pm »
Hello fransis

Presently Aeron EA is only for EURUSD.

MetaTrader4 / Re: No Connection Error
« on: March 28, 2010, 08:29:36 am »
Hi Rash,

This is only a connectivity problem, either at your side or at broker side,

If your internet is working properly, then contact your broker.

MetaTrader4 / Re: Historical Data Download
« on: March 28, 2010, 08:27:11 am »
Hi Fuzi,

1)  Click on Tools > History Center in your MT4

2)  Select your desired currency pair & time frame

3)  Click on Download button, it may take few minutes to download data

Frequently asked questions / Re: Setting up of EA
« on: March 28, 2010, 08:24:10 am »
There is no special knowledge needed to use EAs, as you are already familiar with Forex, you can very easily use EA.

I am trading forex manually. I have never used any EA yet. Is there any special knowledge required in order to configure the Expert Advisor?

Frequently asked questions / Re: live account
« on: March 25, 2010, 09:19:14 pm »
Hi Marek,
Sometimes Aeron EA can open 2 positions at same time & price or at little difference between them but it should be of different lots size,

you may say that it shouldn't be as I set PositonsGap=150, the reason is:

Aeron EA uses internally SL & TP also, it means it may close positions at market price regardless the defined SL, may be you already aware from this,
Sometimes it partially closes the position in loss, and when any position closes in loss by EA then it violates the rule of Positions_Gap, and opens the next position at same moment, [but this is not the hard-and-fast rule, it solely depends on Aeron-EA's decision as per market conditions]

Aeron EA is not a completely Martingale EA, it uses the variant of martingale system

Frequently asked questions / Re: increasing lots
« on: March 25, 2010, 11:37:02 am »
Presently there is First_Lots_Size=2.0 in your account.
So be careful if you are going to decrease it, as you already have opened positions in your account, so please do not decrease its value until these positions close.

Because Aeron EA uses internally SL and closes the positions partially before the defined SL, and this partially lots size is in the multiple of First_Lots_Size, so if you decrease its value, then your opened positions may close abnormally and your account may book unnecessary loss.

Frequently asked questions / Re: increasing lots
« on: March 25, 2010, 09:53:17 am »
Aeron EA does signal based trading & martingale system comes in action when its decision seems wrong like in your situation it did LONG trade while it shouldn't.

In the journey of upto SL, it will open & close several other LONG positions and all decisions will not be wrong, normally price witnesses Fibonacci retracement. It will be the worst case if price goes straight up/down & it hits the SL.

you mention TP, but what if it opens and just goes straight up if a short or down if a long, it will hit stoploss will it not?

Frequently asked questions / Re: increasing lots
« on: March 25, 2010, 09:34:48 am »
Yes, you are very correct that we say, 0.02 lot size for 1000K account.
But now suppose your account comes in loss during averaging, say you have 4 opened positions in your account & equity comes down to ~ $500 now to prevent from margin call you can deposit another $1000 or more to save your account, because price must retraces as its nature,

But if this account was of 100K then can you afford OR can you prepare your mind to put another $100K into your account, obviously not!

Small lots will give you small profit but sure profit without worry.

but i did it according to the post that said how to set lot size.  it said .02 lot size for 1000K account, so would it be 100X.02 or lot size of 2 for 100K account?

thats ok,
but I still I would not say to go more than First_Lots_Size=1
because First_Lots_Size=1.0 means
second will be of 3,
third will be of 7
& fourth will be of 19 lots size

and these are quite big to realize loss or profit

I am using fxcm 100K demo account.

Frequently asked questions / Re: increasing lots
« on: March 25, 2010, 09:16:49 am »
thats ok,
but still I would not say to go more than First_Lots_Size=1
because First_Lots_Size=1.0 means
second will be of 3,
third will be of 7
& fourth will be of 19 lots size

and these are quite big to realize loss or profit

I am using fxcm 100K demo account.

Frequently asked questions / Re: increasing lots
« on: March 25, 2010, 08:12:45 am »
Is it top size or not, it depends on the MaxTrades & Stoploss values
If I am right then you have total 3 Long opened positions in your account.
Obviously if position of 14 lots size hits the SL it will kill the account, but it will not hit SL, because:

Suppose there is averaged TP is set for all 3 positions is as 1.3460 (say), then it is not hard-and-fast that it will wait  to reach 1.3460, however if only your last position may come in profit then Aeron EA can close only this positions & again will set the averaged TP of remaining 2.

[apart from this you must have proper amount to handle these conditions, visit http://aeroninfo.com/forum/index.php?topic=517.0 to understand what you should set for First_Lots_Size according your account balance]

I don't know what is the account type & broker you are using, but normally Lots size 2 which you have setted need big money in your account to smoothly handle these situations.
for eg. on FxOpen you should have approx 80K+ balance to set First_Lots_Size=2

Aeron EA uses the variant of martingale it is not fully based on martingale technique.

I believe I read somewhere that the new versions of aeron are limited in how much they will keep increasing the lot sizes?  I have my demo on start lot 2 and it went up to a size of 14 last night, is that the top size it will go to or will it go higher, if it hits a stop loss at 14, it would kill the account.

Aeron EA settings / Re: EA settings for FXCM Broker
« on: March 14, 2010, 11:56:09 am »
I am not saying, $1000 is not good for EA.
I was only telling some brokers to ray for about $6000.

But with tadawul which I said in this thread, $1000 is not good, because its minimum allowed lots is 0.05

Are you saying a $1,000 account will not be very good with the EA? Why such large amounts ($6,000+)?

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